A wildfire raging on the northern tip of California`s Yosemite National Park is spreading and just miles away from the reservoir that provides San Francisco with drinking water. A map posted on InciWeb, the Incident Information& ...
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How`z this for a good idea, buy one Reservoir Dogs mug, get one free. Sale now through July 28th, 2013 with promo code LETSGOTOWORK. Shop here: http://goldla.be/17lyaAw &. Reservoir Dogs sale merchandise& ...
These people would very much appreciate it if the fast food industry stopped behaving like Steve Buscemi`s Mr. Pink from “Reservoir Dogs.” Now, I know a lot of people love Pink`s anti-tipping speech, but I find it necessary to point out that his argument, much like the decision to not pay workers enough money, makes no sense, is incredibly selfish and lacks any trace of what normal humans know as empathy. Let`s take a look at what the man has to say.
... at the Quabbin Reservoir. Hat Tip JihadWatch and ConservativeDailyNews that a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request was made to find out more information on the names of the individuals arrested and charges filed.
A wildfire raging on the northern tip of California`s Yosemite National Park is spreading and just miles away from the reservoir that provides San Francisco with drinking water. A map posted on InciWeb, the Incident Information& ...
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